I don't know where you stand, but I L-O-V-E the TV show "Modern Family". I was skeptic at first, with all the strange camera work and mini interviews with the characters mid show, but luckily, my skepticism lasted for about 5 minutes :D I fell in love with the show, the characters, I laugh my lungs out every episode and wait eagerly for the next one. So, when I heard about OPI making a line in honor of this show, I just had to write about it!
Radi se o 14 prekrasnih nijansi zanimljivih naziva, koje će se na policama naći u siječnju 2013. godine. Ne znam hoće li se moći kupiti i kod nas :( Šmrc. A ako ih i bude, cijenu od 100 kn za jedan lak ću si teško priuštiti. Pokušat ću doći do nekoliko preko Ebaya, to je sigurno. Radujem se svejedno njihovom "izlasku" i vrebat ću po blogovima swatcheve.
There are 14 different shades with interesting names, that will hit the shelves in January 2013. I'm not sure if they'll be available in Croatia, which makes me very sad :( And if by any chance they will be selling here, I will hardly be able to pay 16$ a bottle. I will definitely try to get some on Ebay. Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to January and I'll be stalking blogs for swatches.
Već sam spomenula zanimljiva imena. To je ono što me jako često privuče nekom laku ili sjenilu. Odličan marketinški potez, rekla bih. Svejedno, volim kupiti crni lak koji se zove "galactic black" ili plavi s imenom "boy next door". Sve mi je to nekako.. romantično. Kao što ćete uskoro vidjeti, lakovi ne samo da se zovu po likovima iz serije, nego su i inspirirani njima. I to stvarno cijenim. Inspiraciju.
I've already mentioned that these polishes have interesting names. And that is what can attract me to a certain polish, eye shadow, etc. A very good marketing trick, I'd say. Anyhow, I love to buy a black polish named "galactic black" or a blue one called "boy next door". It is all somehow... romantic. And as you are about to see, these polishes are not only named after series' characters, they are inspired by them. And that's what I appreciate. Inspiration.
Pa bacimo se mi na pasanje očiju na ovim prekrasnim nijansama.
So.. let's get down to business, shall we? Here comes some eye candy for polish addicts :)
Claire Dunphy, prezgodna kućanica i požrtvovna majka, zahtjevna supruga i pomalo control freak, dobila je 2 nijanse. Ovi su lakovi istodobno nježni i uočljivi, baš kao Claire, koju ne mogu zamisliti s napadnijim bojama.
Claire Dunphy is a super hot housewife, mum, wife, and a control freak as well. She has 2 shades, that are not bold but are soft and gentle, since I can't even imagine Claire with a darker polish.
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Am I Making Myself Claire? |
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I Do De-Claire |
Claire's husband is Phil Dunphy, a man of amazing optimistic view of life and hilarious jokes. He too got a nail polish (I think he'd be very proud of that accomplishment :D), a manly kind of grey :p Which is gorgeous, btw.
A Phil's Paradise |
Dolazimo do njihovih dražesnih potomaka :D / And here are their lovely offspring :D
Najstarija kćer, Haley, dobila je kao i Claire, 2 nijanse.. Ona je pomalo tupavo stvorenje, i ujedno prekrasna mlada žena koja se provlači kroz život na osnovi dobrog izgleda. Ali je istovremeno i draga, iako to rijetko pokazuje. Ove su nijanse baš girly i zabavne.
The oldest daughter, Haley, has two shades just like her mother..She's kind of blunt, but also a beautiful young woman that uses her good looks to get along in life. She can be very nice too, which we rarely see. These shades are really quite girly and fun.
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A Like-Haley Story |
Haley Good Lookin' |
This leads us to the little nerd, Alex. A clever girl that knows what she wants out of life, and knows that she can get there with good education. She doesn't get along with her big sister, no surprise there :D
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Alex by the Books |
Najmlađi Dunphy je jedan presladak i smiješan dječak. Nije pobrao svu pamet svijeta baš :p Ali eto, njegov lak mi se najviše sviđa iz cijele kolekcije. Šljokice <3
The youngest Dunpy is an adorable and funny boy. He wasn't in the line for smarts :p As it happens, I like his polish the best out of the entire collection. Glitter <3
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Luke of the Draw |
I sad polako shvaćam da će ovo biti predugačak post ako nastavim ovim tempom :D
I'm beginning to realise that this post will be too long if I keep up at this rate :D
I'm beginning to realise that this post will be too long if I keep up at this rate :D
Dolazimo do dvije obitelji Pritchetta. / Here come the Pritchett families.
Jay koji je skorao hot Latinu Gloriju i njezinog smiješnog sinčića. Još jedna muževna siva.
Jay who scored with the hot Latina Gloria and her silly son. Another manly gray.
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My Jay or the Highway |
Hot-blooded super hot Gloria has 2 polishes. Very feminine shades, just as she is. Even though I did expect a hot red, I must say.
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Back in my Gloria Days |
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Basking in Gloria |
Tu je i njezin sin, smiješni Manny koji se rodio sa 40 godina valjda, a k tome još i u krivom vremenu :)
And here is her silly son Manny, who was at least 40 when he was born, and in the wrong time :)
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Stand by your Manny |
And finally we come to my favorite family, that makes me laugh the hardest. They are the other Pritchetts. Ops, sorry!! Tucker-Pritchett!!!! :D
Ovaj čovjek je tooooooliko smiješan, i tako je odličan glumac! O dli čan!!! Cameron Tucker volim te! Nemoj se nikada promijeniti :D Naravno da zaslužuje jednu posebnu boju..
This man is sooooooo funny, and a great actor!! G R E A T!!! Cameron Tucker I love you! Don't you ever change :D He, of course, deserves a special color...
Evo nas kod Mitchella. On je urnebesan na svoj, odvjetnički, način :D
This is Mitchell. He is also hilarious, in his lawyery way :D
I njihova princezica Lily, koja zaslužuje i takav lak.. Hoću i ja biti princeza sa zvjezdicama na noktićima :( Još jedan prekrasan šljokičasti lak.
Ovaj čovjek je tooooooliko smiješan, i tako je odličan glumac! O dli čan!!! Cameron Tucker volim te! Nemoj se nikada promijeniti :D Naravno da zaslužuje jednu posebnu boju..
This man is sooooooo funny, and a great actor!! G R E A T!!! Cameron Tucker I love you! Don't you ever change :D He, of course, deserves a special color...
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Candid Cameron |
This is Mitchell. He is also hilarious, in his lawyery way :D
What's the Mitch-uation |
Their little princess Lily with a princess-like polish. I want to be a princess too :( Another beautiful glittery polish.
She's Lily Something |
Moram vam priznati, ovo je bio najzabavniji post koji sam do sad pisala. I iako možda neću nikad ni doći do jednog od ovih lakova, svejedno su mi donijeli puno radosti i smješkanja.. Tko zna, možda padne neki za rođendan :)
I have a confession.. writing this post has been so much FUN! And even though I'll probably never own any of these polishes, they brought me a lot of joy. Who knows, maybe I'll be a princess on my birthday :)
I za kraj: ako ne gledate Modernu obitelj, počnite. Najbolja humoristična serija koja se trenutno emitira. :*
And to finish this post: if you're not a fan of Modern Family, you need to be. It's one of the best shows on air at the moment. :*
Too much? :D No way!
Serija je odlična, a sviđaju mi se i lakovi. :)
ReplyDeletejel da :)
Deleteseriju nisam gledala, ali lakići sasvim dobro izgledaju :D
ReplyDeletepa kaj čekaš ženo božja!!! :D
Deleteseriju pratim i obozavam ju! a lakovi, ima fora boja, al nekako su mi za Tucker-Pritchette najbolje odabrani :) (niki)
ReplyDeleteOd Lily mi je baš zvjezdičasto prekrasan.
DeleteAjmo dogovor, tko ne prati seriju neka počne, tko prati neka ostane fan, a tko ima para nek mi kupi Luke of the Draw. Hvala :D ;)
ReplyDeletehahah. dobra organizacija :D
Deletepredobar post, ja sam pogledala samo jednu epizodu ali mi je bila presmiješna, a opet nekako ne mogu upratiti kada se prikazuje.
ReplyDeleteja gledam online jer nikad nebi na tv-u uhvatila :D (niki)
DeleteI ja. Samo što onda pretjeram, nemam samokontrole da si sama doziram :D
DeleteOdličan post :D :D
ReplyDeleteTakođer gledam tu seriju i super mi je, a lakići mi se skoro svi sviđaju :)
Hvala, baš je bio zabavan za pisanje :)
DeleteJoj, idem si sad pogledat još jednu epizodu :)
Umirem od smijeha na ove GIF-ove... LOL a lakovi su prekrasni...
ReplyDeleteJoj Cameron je meni najbolji, presmiješan je :D
DeleteI LOVE Modern Family and can't wait to see this collection! Thanks so much for the great review!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the lovely comment :)
ReplyDeleteAjme koji vrh! Pa nisam imala pojma da su dobili kolekciju OPIća! Totalno presuper! Jedino, ja bi isto pomislila da će Gloria dobit barem jednu vatreno crvenu nijansu! :D Ekstra!!!
ReplyDeleteJel' da, fulali su Glorijinu skroz :D Ma nije mi niti jedan poseban, ali svakako bih voljela makar koji posjedovati :)