za današnju manikuru sam bila inspirirana ovom slikom, na koju sam naletjela prije par tjedana, i nikako nisam imala vremena (laž, bila sam lijena) provesti je u djelo... Nisam imala ovu trakicu tanku, pa sam koristila običan selotejp ;=)
I was inspired for today's manicure with this picture that I ran into a couple of weeks ago, but I just couldn't find time (big fat lie, I was lazy) to do it... I didn't have this thin tape, so I just used regular tape ;=)
1) Pustite si epizodu Buffy the Vampire Slayer (to je obavezno ;)). Zatim nanesi sloj ili dva laka po izboru. (ne znam kako se pojavila ova random bijela podloga :s HELP MEEEEEE!)
za današnju manikuru sam bila inspirirana ovom slikom, na koju sam naletjela prije par tjedana, i nikako nisam imala vremena (laž, bila sam lijena) provesti je u djelo... Nisam imala ovu trakicu tanku, pa sam koristila običan selotejp ;=)
I was inspired for today's manicure with this picture that I ran into a couple of weeks ago, but I just couldn't find time (big fat lie, I was lazy) to do it... I didn't have this thin tape, so I just used regular tape ;=)
Play Buffy the Vampire Slayer (it's not optional ;)). Then put a coat or two of the nailpolish you choose.
my nailpolish of choice: Cattrice; my bad boy of choice: SPIKE!!!
2) Narežite selotejp na tanke/debele/bilo kakve trakice, i polijepite po noktima tvoreći različite uzorke.
Cut the tape into stripes of desirable size and glue them on your nails forming different patterns.
Buffy is still playing!!! Very important!
3) Nanesite sloj laka po želji, kako biste dobili što efektniji rezultat. Ja sam se odlučila na Essence galactic black.
Paint over the tape the nailpolish of your choice, keeping in mind the end result. I decided to use Essence, galactic black.
Riley. Buffy always gets all the hot guys :D
Willow and Xander. Love them!!!
4) Pričekajte da se lak dobro osuši prije uklanjanja selotejpa.
Make sure you wait long enough for the polish to dry before removing the tape.
5) Uklanjanje selotejpa. Pažljivo! Probajte prvo na malom prstu na kojem će se šteta najmanje vidjeti ;=)
Removing the tape. Be careful! Start with the pinkie, the damage will be least visible ;=)
Crazy Faith in stalker mode :D
6) Ako vam se desi da selotejpom uklonite i bazu, kao što se meni dogodilo šmrc:
If you remove the base coat along with the tape, as it happened to me, whine:
jednostavno sakrijte pogrešku s gornjim lakom:
simply cover the mess with the top polish:
7) i voila, konačan rezultat bi trebao biti efektan i uočljiv :)
and voila, the end result should be spectacular :)
8) nemojte zaboraviti sloj prozirnog laka kako bi manikura dobila sjaj i potrajala što dulje...
don't forget the topcoat that gives the glow and makes your manicure last longer...